Free Utah Eviction Notices

Abandonment - Notice of Abandonment

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Click Here for the Free Abandonment Notice - Use this notice if you think your tenant has abandoned the property. Read this notice carefully to make sure that your situation fits within the Utah Code's definition of abandoned property.


How Does Utah Define Abandonment? Pursuant to Utah law (Utah Code Ann 78B-6-815), a property is abandoned when (1) the tenant is absent without telling the landlord that they will be gone, (2) “there is no reasonable evidence that the tenant is occupying the premises," and (3) either (a) If the tenant’s possessions are removed, it is abandoned when they fail to pay rent for one day or (b) If their possessions are still there, it is abandoned when they have failed to pay rent for 15 days after the due date.


What Do You Do With Abandoned Property? Under Utah Code Ann 78B-6-816, the landlord is required to store any abandoned property for thirty days before the items are either sold, donated to charity or thrown away.


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